We are getting to know our new city by walking, bicycling, Metra rail and the infrequent taxi ride. No pressing need for owning a car. One of my early apprehensions last year. Joan, you were right.
Bicycling is a combination of using subscription-based ValenbiSi ride-share bikes or our personal bike depending on the outing or the considered risk of bike theft. Which is a real thing.
The ride-share bikes are slow-moving tanks that are indestructible and reliable when the app is working. The bike paths make the city completely accessible. And traffic seems safe.
During the summer, the Metra trains run free all day on Sundays. So we have taken on our Sunday activity of ‘riding the rails’. The trains are clean, safe, riders are well behaved, they run on-time and staff are helpful. This has helped us get oriented. For me this alleviates the anxiety of fouling up when traveling for timely events like concerts.
Week-by-week we are finding new routes and outings from the aeroport to outlining towns for a walkabout, a cafe lunch and a visit to a local interest such as a museums, a cathedral or a Roman ruin.