a One of a kind holiday gift

Limited 8”x10” / 8”x12” framed or unframed prints available

  1. Framed - $150 Matted prints available in black, white or maple wood frames

  2. Unframed - $50 prints

    (Price includes standard shipping and handling. Express shipping 1 to 2 business days, add $15. Estimated delivery two weeks from order confirmation.)

Get started

Browse my images. There are thousands to choose from. Most photos are live music or dance, but if you have something specific in mind, please ask.

I will confirm your order details when I send you a payment request through PayPal.

Place Order


  • One print per form.

  • Offer only available in The United States and Canada.

  • Prints shipped are from a third-party photo service platform and subject to their holiday timelines. I will keep you informed of any issues beyond my control. Holiday deadline December 7th.

  • Prints are either 8x10 or 8x12 which is determined by the existing composition.

  • Outer frame dimensions: 8x10 = 15” x 13”/ 8x12 = 12.25” x 16.25”

  • All orders paid through Paypal.com

  • Two week deliver estimate is based upon the date the payment is received.

  • Any inquiries or special requests can be addressed by email: philamonjaro@gmail.com